Now located near Kepler Bradley lakes, Palmer. Contact Tina Fisher. 907 . 355 . 2428.

Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions
Exploratory Art 1 & 2

*Crafts Survey...........................................................7200
Prerequisite: None
Grades: 5-12 

Credit: 0.5
This introductory course provides the beginning art student with an exploration of the elements of art by gaining basic skills in the techniques and tools of the two dimensional media of drawing and painting and some three dimensional work.
Drawing 1
*Art Survey ............................................................... 7100
Grades: 5-12
Credit: 0.5
This introductory course provides the beginning art student with an exploration of the elements of art by gaining basic skills in the techniques and tools of drawing. Projects include landscape, the figure, still life, abstraction and working from imagination. Students will be evaluated on daily work, and in critiques and discussions.

Right Brain Drawing
*Art Studio 1 .............................................................7110
Suggested Prerequisite: Exploratory Art or Drawing Foundations
Grades: 5-12
Credit: 0.5
This course will enable the student to explore a number of drawing skills that engage both hemispheres of the brain including blind contour studies, the upside down approach, optical illusions, the understanding of negative spaces, and rendering lights and shadows. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing observation skills and learning how to draw three - dimensional objects realistically on a two dimensional surface.

3D Design

*Contemporary Crafts 1.......................................... 7210 
Suggested prerequisite: Exploratory Art
Grades: 7-12

Credit: .5
This course will enable the student to explore a number of techniques
and skills required for successful production within three dimensional form. 
A variety of materials are used including plaster, clay, cardboard, Styrofoam, acrylics and mixed media. Students will be evaluated on daily work, and in critiques and discussions.
Painting 1
*Painting 1 .................................................................7171
Suggested Prerequisite: Exploratory Art, Right Brain Drawing, or Drawing Foundations 

Grades: 5-12
Credit: 0.5
This course introduces students to basic color theory, perspective, and composition. A variety of materials are used including acrylics and mixed media. Projects include landscape, the figure, still life, abstraction and working from imagination. Students will be evaluated on daily work, and in critiques and discussions.

Painting 2
*Painting 2 .................................................................7172 
Prerequisite: Painting Foundations
Grades: 5-12

Credit: 0.5
Students will continue to explore the techniques learned in Painting 1 and further develop personal imagery using a variety of wet media. In this course students expand on their skills in applying color theory, and using perspective and composition. A variety of materials are used including acrylics and mixed media. Projects include landscape, the figure, still life, abstraction, and working from imagination. The course gradually shifts from the formal techniques to more experimental styles and individual expression. Students will be evaluated on daily work, in critiques and discussions.

Studio 1
*2-D Art Studio 1 ..........................................................7120 
Prerequisite: Previous instruction in drawing/painting/3D Design at proficiency and review of work
Grades: 9-12
Credit: .5 CR

This intermediate course is designed for artists who wish to gain additional experiences in both skill development in drawing, painting, and 3D Design and expressive qualities in creating their art work. Assignments are designed to maximize students existing skill in the development of visual problem solving to express challenging themes and content. Students will create an online portfolio and public exhibition of selected pieces.
Studio 3
*2-D Art Studio 3 ..........................................................7130 
Prerequisite: Previous instruction in drawing/painting/3D Design at proficiency and review of work
Grades: 9-12
Credit: .5 CR
This advanced course is designed for artists who wish to gain additional experiences in both skill development in drawing, painting, and 3D Design and expressive qualities in creating their art work. Assignments are designed to maximize students existing skill in the development of visual problem solving to express challenging themes and content. Students will create an online portfolio and public exhibition of selected pieces.
AP Studio Art
*AP Studio Art.................................................7151/7152 
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval
Grades: 11-12

Credit: 1.0
This course is designed for juniors and seniors with previous experience and instruction in the arts. Emphasis will be placed on development of self expression and creative thinking through concentrated advanced work and in depth study of various media and techniques. As a goal, students will be responsible for developing an art portfolio showing an exemplary level of achievement which will prepare students for candidacy into the Advanced Placement Program and allow students to take exam for college level credits. The students will develop a portfolio and have a showing of work. This course may be repeated for credit up to three times with a differing emphasis on AP Studio Art Drawing, 2-D Design or 3-D Design thus allowing the student to prepare and take all three AP Exams.

Comic Design
Grades: 7th-12thThis workshop will include character development in relation to a collaborative class story that students create. Each student will design a character profile, 2 page layout, and storyboard. 

Street Art & Murals 
Grades 7th-12th
This workshop will explore the impact street art has on different communities. Students will discuss graffiti as an art form and implement various spray paint and acrylic techniques on murals designed to communicate a positive message. Murals will be on public display at MSC or in the local community. 

*MSBSD Program of Studies Course Catalog credit for High School


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